Gabriel George

Gabriel George

6 posts
Using NodeJs 14 with Mac Silicon (M1)

Using NodeJs 14 with Mac Silicon (M1)

I have recently received a new MacBook Pro with the Mac Silicon chip. However, I noticed that I am unable to compile NodeJs Version 14 which I have to use due to some of my projects are still on Angular 11 and 12. Unfortunately, there is no NodeJs 14 that is built for ARM64; Hence it has no support for the new Mac Silicon which is built around ARM64. Fortunately, there is some workaround to get NodeJs 14 to work with Mac Silicon. Apple provides Rosetta, a translation app that allows applicatio

Manage RxJS Subscriptions in Angular

Manage RxJS Subscriptions in Angular

RxJS [] is baked into Angular's environment and is heavily used behind-the-scenes inside Angular. You will notice that when you create your brand new Angular app with ng new newApp or using Visual Studio’s Angular template, RxJS is always included as one of the core dependencies. But first, what is RxJS? > RxJS is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences - RxJS [] Since RxJS i

CSS guide for dev dummies

CSS guide for dev dummies

Sometimes writing CSS can be a tedious task even for those who are experienced. It's even worse for those who are new to web development. For the past few years doing web development for various clients, I have noticed that the usual pitfalls of writing CSS fell into one of these: 1. CSS was written in such a specific way (sometimes too specific). 2. Inconsistencies in how devs write CSS classes. The default standard for most CSS should be written in kebab-case. But I have seen a mixture

Different RxJs Maps

Different RxJs Maps

Why there are various RxJs maps? What are they used for? What are the differences? Why can't I just use switchMap all the way? This is my thoughts before my friend, Anthony Miller [] enlightens me. For an Angular developer that uses NgRx [], we often get this dilemma of which type of map should we use upon receiving NgRx action for our effect. This issue also happens in any services or any functions that are relying on observable value

Improving your knowledge by sharing it

Improving your knowledge by sharing it

To begin this blog post, I should mention that Thiago Passos [] and I have created a YouTube channel called Angular in 5 Minutes []. We started this channel after we ran an Angular Hackday and realising that around 80% of the attendees have no experience in Angular. It made us think of how to pass on our knowledge of Angular in the simplest way. How to start? Starting is not easy, moving onwards is even harder. You can sta

"ng Update". Is it the long awaited saviour?

"ng Update". Is it the long awaited saviour?

Most of us who have read the release blog for Angular 6 must be quite excited about the ng update command that was just introduced. But how does it cope with our existing project? Initially, I was quite surprised that ng update could easily upgrade my .NET Core 2.1 RC Angular SPA template without any hitch, except the fact I need to install TypeScript version 2.7.2 as one of the pre-requisite. Then the ng update @angular/cli blew my mind too, as it automatically converts my angular-cli.json an